The adventure history cartoon : Germany :the short story The cartoon is about Germany in history , culture ,the way of life ,behavior, the important events in the past. The person in the past and the present .Opening for the history to present by the four colors cartoon including the humor in the book .The children are pleased with reading .

The adventure history cartoon in Japan

The short story : The books have 9 books .The books are the knowledge of other country in history ,culture ,the way of life , behavior,the important events in the past . The person in the past and the present .Opening for the history to present by the four colors cartoon including the humor in the book .The children are please with reading .

The adventure history cartoon in Japan

The short story : The books have 9 books .The books are the knowledge of other country in history ,culture ,the way of life , behavior,the important events in the past . The person in the past and the present .Opening for the history to present by the four colors cartoon including the humor in the book .The children are please with reading .

The adventure history cartoon in Swizerland

The short story : Cartoon made the children to know the wide world .Visiting the other country to know the history and culture .The books have 9 books .The books are the knowledge of other country in history ,culture ,the way of life , behavior,the important events in the past . The person in the past and the present .Opening for the history to present by the four colors cartoon including the humor in the book .The children are pleased with reading .

The adventure history cartoon in Korea

Short story :Cartoon is about the knowledge of other country in history side ,traditional ,way of life ,behavior, the important events in the past .The person in the past and the present .Opening for the history to present by the four colors cartoon including the humor in the book .The children are funny .The books have 9 books such as German,Japan 1,Japan 2 ,Switzerland ,Korea, Italy ,Netheland ,England and France.

The adventure history cartoon in Italy The short story :
The books have 9 books .The books are the knowledge of other country in the history , the culture ,the way of life , behavior,the important events in the past . The person in the past and the present .Opening for the history to present by the four colors cartoon including the humor in the book .The children are please with reading .

The adventure history cartoon in Japan

The description : The books are the knowledge of other country in history ,culture ,the way of life , behavior,the important events in the past . The person in the past and the present .To present by the four colors cartoon including the humor in the book .The children are please with reading .The books have 9 books such as German,Japan1 ,Japan2 ,Switzerland ,Korea, Italy ,Netherlands ,England and France.

The adventure history cartoon in France

The descriptive :The heaven of the shopping list , France ,has the notorious brand name ,elegance fashions and the famous perfume .Although France is the famous place ,there is a war revolution in 1789 A.D. It affect to all the world .There is the expand territory in the empire of Napolean Bonapare ,The Great ,. France has luxury of eating style.Tthe country has the best social benefit in the world.